Tantrums and tantrums? It is also possible otherwise!
"One more time he gave me the space in the supermarket, ugh, what will happen?",
"I already agreed to him even for television, I tried everything, what else is needed??",
"What a disgrace, screaming like that in front of everyone in the middle of the mall",
Have you tried to ignore the behavior but it didn't go away?
Maybe you invested in explanations with a lot of patience over and over again, but feel that nothing is helpful?
Emotions at a loss in the face of your children's tantrums?
Tantrums, hereafter "tantrums" are very common in preschoolers
And there are no parents who have not been at a loss for words around a tantrum of at least one of the children. We find ourselves giving educational lectures, punishing and imposing sanctions, embarrassed by the whole situation and sometimes full of anger, which is directed towards the child and often towards ourselves...
It is also possible otherwise!
Outbreaks of rage: why does this happen?
How do you cope in real time?
Is it possible to prepare in advance?
What is the important parental message?
And how in my actions I can encourage this period to pass - as it came!
You can prepare in advance, you should encourage this period to pass - as it came and more than that: it is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship
Target audience - ages 2-4 years