I often suggest to parents who seek my advice to start with a parent group because there is nothing more powerful than a group dynamic :)
In a parent group, we gain a better understanding of what motivates our children to cooperate and we can begin to understand their true needs and drives. We explore why certain approaches work while others don't.
My workshops are highly practical, so we can embark on this journey together and translate our insights into daily actions. We learn how to provide the right response to our child, at any age, for any behavior, in any situation, in any family.
Parent Group Workshops

The workshops are interactive and offer opportunities for sharing and participation based on personal preference, and they are incredibly effective - give them a try! The sessions can be conducted over Zoom or in-person at the client's residence, and the topics can be tailored to meet specific needs. Join us!

What's In The Workshop?
click here:
המפגשים מתקיימים גם באנגלית!
נושאים בסדנה מבוססת-אדלר
על סמכות הורית מכבדת ובונה
שותפיות הורית וגיבוי הדדי
איך למתן את השימוש במסכים מבלי להיקלע למאבקים
לצאת מהלופ של תשומת לב-יתרה
על יחסי אחים
טנטרומים והתקפי זעם? אפשר גם אחרת!
ועוד ועוד...

סדנה מוכוונת חדוות הורות:
5 מפגשים
און ליין (ניתן גם פרונטלי)
דפי אימון ו-action items לאחר כל ממפגש
דוגמאות יומיומיות
כלים פרקטיים לצד תיאוריה
מגוון רחב של נושאים בוערים להורים
תהליכים קבוצתיים לצד אישיים

Parent Testimonials:

I highly recommend Lior for her attentive and understanding approach, filled with wisdom, knowledge, humor, and depth. Her meetings provide practical tools and strength to face the many challenges in every home. Consulting and learning from Lior will benefit not only the individual, but their entire family.
Zohar, from the north.

Understanding what was keeping us stuck in anger around setting boundaries and making decisions about myself made everything much simpler. Unbelievable!
R, from Rosh-Ha'Ayin

Initially hesitant, my wife convinced me to attend the workshop. Looking back, it was the best gift we gave ourselves this year.
M., from France

Feel free to send me a WhatsApp message either on the chat or to the phone number 0545515616.
I'm looking forward to chatting with you!